Friday, October 1, 2010

G45 Christmas Traditions!

Can you think of a better combo than Graphic 45 Christmas Past paper collection and Designer Kathryn Krieger for a Mini album?

The album is titled Christmas Traditions and  You can Pre-Order the Kits HERE
The pre-order period will last through November 1, 2010, or until all kits have sold ~ whichever comes first. I should tell you that last year the kits sold out completely during pre-orders. Kits will ship on or before December 1st unless there is a problem with a manufacturer. Pre-order prices are only good through November 1st. After that, kits may not be available or may only be available at elevated prices due to minimum order requirements.
There will be three pre-order options this year: Full Kit + DVD Deposit Only, Full Kit + DVD Paid in Full and DVD Only.

I'm So excited to be a part of this and can't wait to make my Mini!

Have a Happy Crafty Day!

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